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West University of Timisoara

Specialization “Computer Science – Artificial Intelligence and Distributed Computing”


This specialization is offered by the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the West University of Timisoara, Romania (


This specialization focuses on theoretical concepts and practical tools used in solving computational problems and designing software products, with a particular emphasis on intelligent systems and distributed computing.


All lectures are taught in English. The activities are organized in 2 semesters each one of 17 weeks:

  • Semester 1: 14 weeks for lectures and 3 weeks for the exam session;
  • Semester 2: 12 weeks for lectures, 2 weeks for BSc thesis preparation, and 3 weeks for the exam session.

Curriculum for 2024-2025

 Semester 1 (5th ECS semester)      Semester 2 (6th ECS semester)    
 Mandatory Subjects ECTS  Hours  Mandatory Subjects  ECTS   Hours
 Artificial Intelligence  5 56  Graphics and User Interfaces  5 56
 Web Technologies  5 56  Numerical Methods  5 56
 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations  5 56 BSc Thesis
 5 42
Methodology for
Writing the BSc
 3 28
 Elective Subjects (4)  ECTS Hours   Elective Subjects (3)  ECTS  Hours
  • Advanced Python Programming
  • Distributed and Concurrent Programming
  • Data Compression Algorithms
 5 42
  • Security and Cryptography
  • Image Processing
  • Software Technologies in Telecommunications
 5  42
  • Design Patterns
  • Introduction to Blockchain Technologies
  • Software Systems Testing
 5 42
  • Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning
  • Network Administration
 5  42
Subject selected from another faculty (Romanian as a Foreign Language) 2 28
  • Introduction to Neurotechnologies
  • Applications Development using .NET platform
 5 42

[Updated:  June 2024]

Graduation Exam

The graduation exam consists of two components:

  • Oral test containing 3 questions requiring an explanation of the selected answer(s).  The covered topics are: Discrete Structures and Algorithms;  Programming Languages and Software Engineering; Computing Systems and Databases
  • Oral presentation of the BSc Thesis

For each component of the exam, the student receives a mark between 0 and 10. The graduation exam final mark is computed as an average of the two marks.

Additional information:

West University of Timisoara:
Department of International Relations:
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science:,


UVT-ECS presentation slides_

Contact person:

Daniela Zaharie (