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About ECS

This is a 3-year Bachelors level course in Computer Science for students who wish to study in 2 different countries. Successful candidates receive a double degree award. The aim is to prepare students for leading roles in the development of the international computer systems required in modern Europe.

The participating institutions are universities/polytechnics in Finland (Turku), France (Blois and Metz), Germany (Hamburg), Portugal (Coimbra), Spain (Burgos), Romania (Timisoara) and Italy (Venice). Each institution has strong links with industry. Each location has a strong regional culture as well as a lively student social scene. There is plenty of opportunity for students to learn about cultural differences in different regions in Europe.

Although the aim of the Network is to provide double degree opportunities, there are certain national limitations and constraints that shall be noted before applying to the program. The summary of these limitations is presented in the table below. Please check the partner institution descriptions for more details.

Partner University Double degree possibility
Université François Rabelais de Tours – Blois Yes
Universidad de Burgos
  • Local University Degree (ECS): when completing the 3rd year (180 ECTS)
  • National Spanish Degree: when completing 4 years (240 ECTS)
Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra Yes, but possibly not for students starting 2018 or later
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences Yes
Université de Lorraine – Metz Yes
West University of Timisoara Yes
Turku University of Applied Sciences Yes, but only after 4 years (240 ECTS) including 30 ECTS work placement
Universita Ca’ Foscari of Venice Yes

Each institution provides essentially the same course over the first two years. A common core has been designed to ensure that students can move easily from country to country. The core components include: object-oriented programming, object-oriented modelling and abstraction, procedural programming, databases, computer architecture and operating systems, networks, software project management, mathematics, context of computer use and the European context. Familiarity with the latest international communication systems is encouraged.

Students study in their native language and one foreign languages. Students will be assessed for language competence at the start of the course and before they can progress to the other countries for study. Foreign language teaching is an integral part of the course, to bring foreign language skills up to the level required to study in the other countries. Students choose their foreign languages out of English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian.

Core Module CP Content
Programming ≥ 20 Procedural programming: Data types, algorithms and data structures, program organisation (control structures,  functions, …) program design & testing

Object oriented: introduction to OO concepts (classes, objects, inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism), OO language (C++ / Java/…), multithreaded programs

Algorithms and data structures: lists, trees, search algorithms

Software Engineering and Project Management ≥ 10 Analysis and design methods, design patterns, design languages (UML, …), software lifecycle models, project organisation, quality management, methodology (prototyping, reusability, …)
Information Systems ≥ 5 Database systems: DB models, ER-model, DB design, relational DBMS, DB languages (SQL, …), recovery, concurrency, integrity

Knowledge management: optional

Computer Networks ≥ 5 ISO layer model, internet protocol, data compression, cryptography, security, LAN
Computer Architecture and Operating Systems ≥ 10 Computer design (processor architectures, IO, memory hierarchy, …), processes (synchronisation, deadlock prevention, process management & communication), OS types (real-time, client-server, multi-user, …), system administration (unix/windows)
Mathematics and Computer Science Theory ≥ 13 Mathematics: Functions, differentiation and integration, interpolation, series, information coding, numerical methods, stochastics, graphs, set theory, probability

Theory: formal languages, automata (optional)

Computer Science Application ≥ 5 Economics, business application, technical application, …
Special Computer Science Topics  32 !
European Languages, Culture and Communication ≥ 20 English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese

Special topics with European content, presentation

In the third and final year, students are able to take advantage of the different specialisations available in each country, as well as enhancing their core computing skills.

There is emphasis on applying academic knowledge to real world problems. Students carry out large-scale projects and will partially work in industry. In this course, students are expected to demonstrate both individual expertise and the ability to perform well as a member of a group. Groups are formed as international teams with members drawn from different participating institutes.

The specialisations include: Artificial Intelligence, Business Enterprise and Internet Systems, Human-computer Interaction, Technical Computer Science, Knowledge Discovery in Databases/Network Security and Administration, Database Applications, Embedded  SW and DSP, Electronic Business and Mobility, AI Agent Based Approach, and Web Interfaces and Web Software Tecnologies. For the actual list of specialisations, please look at the web pages of the partner institutions.


The applicants must meet the normal entry requirements of the home institution, and provide evidence of ability to develop necessary foreign language skills.